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Icon Quest FlagThe Castle Burns is a Quest in Dragon Marked For Death. It contains one of the 8 Flags required to reach the end of the game, and is also the prerequisite to unlocking Calamity's Portent. You must rescue the young princess of the Marlayus Divine Family and escort her back to safety.

Icon Quest NotificationQuest Information[]

Quest Details[]

Quest Details
Prerequisite Location Success Conditions Goal
Clear the Quest Tomb Rescue Muramasa Castle Defeat the large monsters. Find and rescue the princess of the Marlayus Divine Family, held by the castle by rebels.
Clashes with any rebels you encounter may be inevitable.
It has been reported that the lord of the rebels is accompanied by a thunder dragon capable of paralyzing his opens.


Burn the third, right-side wooden bridge by cutting the lantern above it, then defeat Sumahiko.

Time Limit[]

The time limit for the Lvl 15 version of the quest is 60 minutes, and Lvl 25 is 45 minutes. Every subsequent difficulty has a time limit of 30 minutes.



Drop List[]

Boss Chest Drop List[]

The following Weapons, Accessories, and Items drop from the Boss chests of this Quest.

Each of the following tables are separated by Rarity (SR, R++, R+, R, and N) and Equipment Type (Small-swords, Swords, Axes, Greatswords, Kunai, Shuriken, Tomes, Foci, Accessories, and Items).

Quest Level 15 Boss Chest Drop List
Type Rare++ Rare+ Rare Normal
Small-sword Icon Weapon Small-sword (R)Scimitar +1 Icon Weapon Small-sword (N)Scimitar
Sword Icon Weapon Sword (R)Wakizashi +1 Icon Weapon Sword (N)Wakizashi
Axe Icon Weapon Axe (R+)Battle Axe +1 Icon Weapon Axe (N)Battle Axe
Greatsword Icon Weapon Greatsword (R+)Giant Sword +1 Icon Weapon Greatsword (N)Giant Sword
Kunai Icon Weapon Kunai (R+)Khukuri +1 Icon Weapon Kunai (N)Khukuri
Shuriken Icon Weapon Shuriken (R+)Hyo Kunai +1 Icon Weapon Shuriken (N)Hyo Kunai
Tome Icon Weapon Tome (R)Fire Tome +1 Icon Weapon Tome (N)Thunder Ledger
Focus Icon Weapon Focus (R+)Playing Card +1 - Icon Weapon Focus (N)Playing Card
Accessory Icon Accessory All (R++)Giant's Ring +1
Items Icon Item (N)Dragonite