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DragonMFD Wikia Dialogue Mugshot EDIT - Equus (2000% RESIZE)
Sinner, listen well.
This section contains major spoilers for
Dragon Marked For Death. Proceed with this in mind.

Named Monsters ("NMs") are special Bosses that are fought either through a blue teleport gate at the ends of certain Quests, or in endgame challenges such as the Quests Cavern of Torment and Ancient Gods.

  • The only 2 NMs fought through blue teleport gates are The Demon's Puppet and The Trampling Lance.
    • By entering this blue gate instead of the pink Clear Gate, players can fight a specific NM and earn loot that can be used as Special Upgrade and Black Market Material.
    • All other NMs are fought in Cavern of Torment and / or Ancient Gods.
  • There are 4 NMs that are similar to each other, but have different names and slightly different behaviors.


Named Monsters[1][]

Basic List[]

This list contains the names of all Named Monsters without repeats.

Detailed List[]

The following tables contain a list of Named Monsters along with their appearances, Elements, Types, Health Points (HP), if they can be afflicted with certain Status Ailments, and Growth Rates. Please manually expand the tables that you want to view.

Named Monsters
Enemy Image Element Type HP
The Trampling Lance TBA Icon Element PoisonPoison Deva 9,000
The Tempest Steed TBA Icon Element PoisonPoison Deva 8,500
The Demon's Puppet TBA Icon Element ThunderThunder Primal 2,400
The Horn Breaker TBA Icon Element ThunderThunder Primal 450
The Celestial's Goliath TBA Icon Element ThunderThunder Deva 365
The Ancient Primal Lord TBA Icon Element IceIce Primal 930
The Twin Dragon's Coffin TBA Icon Element PoisonPoison Deva 210
TBA Icon Element WindWind Asura
The Sea Lord's Executioner TBA Icon Element FireFire Primal 600
The False God of the Abyss TBA Deva 770
Named Monsters Status Ailments
Enemy Icon Status Ailment BurnBurn Icon Status Ailment ParalysisParalysis Icon Status Ailment ConfusionConfusion Icon Status Ailment PoisonPoison (% of HP) Icon Status Ailment FrostbiteFrostbite
The Trampling Lance Yes Yes
The Tempest Steed Yes Yes
The Demon's Puppet 0.1%
The Horn Breaker 1%
The Celestial's Goliath Yes Yes
The Ancient Primal Lord Yes 0.5% Yes
The Twin Dragon's Coffin Yes ‒(1.5%) Yes
Yes 0.1%
The Sea Lord's Executioner Yes
The False God of the Abyss Yes
Named Monsters Growth Rates
The Trampling Lance 100% 40% 100% 50% 100% 100% 9,000
The Tempest Steed 100% 40% 100% 50% 100% 100% 8,500
The Demon's Puppet 50% 100% 75% 100% 100% 75% 2,400
The Horn Breaker 75% 100% 75% 100% 100% 75% 450
The Celestial's Goliath 75% 100% 100% 100% 50% 75% 365
The Ancient Primal Lord 75% 50% 75% 75% 30% 100% 930
The Twin Dragon's Coffin 75% 75% 75% 75% 50% 75% 210
The Sea Lord's Executioner 75% 100% 100% 100% 40% 100% 600
The False God of the Abyss 75% 100% 100% 75% 100% 75% 770

Named Monster Enemy Companions[]

DragonMFD Wikia Dialogue Mugshot EDIT - Equus (2000% RESIZE)
Sinner, listen well.
This section contains major spoilers for
Dragon Marked For Death. Proceed with this in mind.

Enemy Companions are enemies that are included alongside certain Named Monsters but are considered separate enemies. Certain attacks can summon enemy minions to attack you and your allies.

Basic List[]

This list contains the names of all Enemy Companions paired with their Named Monsters without repeats.

  • The False God of the Abyss
    • Healing Arm (Blue)
    • Healing Arm (Red)
    • Healing Arm (Purple)
    • Healing Arm (Yellow)

Detailed List[]

The following tables contain a list of Enemy Companions along with their appearances, Elements, Types, Health Points (HP), if they can be afflicted with certain Status Ailments, and Growth Rates. Please manually expand the tables that you want to view.

Named Monster Enemy Companions
Enemy Image Paired With Element Type HP
Poison Servant TBA The Ancient Primal Lord Icon Element PoisonPoison Primal 100
Bomb Servant TBA The Sea Lord's Executioner Icon Element FireFire Primal 150
The Immortal Sea Lord TBA The Sea Lord's Executioner Icon Element PoisonPoison Primal ?
Healing Arm (Blue) TBA The False God of the Abyss Icon Element IceIce Deva 50
Healing Arm (Red) TBA The False God of the Abyss Icon Element FireFire Deva 50
Healing Arm (Purple) TBA The False God of the Abyss Icon Element PoisonPoison Deva 50
Healing Arm (Yellow) TBA The False God of the Abyss Icon Element ThunderThunder Deva 50
Named Monster Enemy Companions Status Ailments
Enemy Icon Status Ailment BurnBurn Icon Status Ailment ParalysisParalysis Icon Status Ailment ConfusionConfusion Icon Status Ailment PoisonPoison (% of HP) Icon Status Ailment FrostbiteFrostbite
Poison Servant Yes Yes
Bomb Servant Yes 100%
The Immortal Sea Lord Yes Yes
Healing Arm (Blue) 100%
Healing Arm (Red) Yes
Healing Arm (Purple) Yes
Healing Arm (Yellow) Yes
Enemy Companions Growth Rates
Poison Servant 50% 50% 75% 50% 30% 50% 100
Bomb Servant 75% 100% 100% 75% 30% 100% 150
The Immortal Sea Lord 75% 100% 100% 50% 30% 30% ?
Healing Arm (Blue) 75% 50% 30% 75% 30% 75% 50
Healing Arm (Red) 75% 50% 50% 75% 30% 75% 50
Healing Arm (Purple) 75% 50% 40% 75% 30% 75% 50
Healing Arm (Yellow) 75% 50% 40% 75% 30% 75% 50

