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This page lists the glitches and bugs across all the versions, patches, and platforms of Dragon Marked For Death. Glitches are unintended errors that can be found or performed in the game and are usually related to errors in graphics, programming, calculation, or online connection. Some glitches are fixed and removed, while others are not.

The following list of glitches is ordered by type (i.e. out-of-bounds, numerical, etc.). However, information is listed under each section showing the confirmed patches and platforms where the glitch can be found. If a glitch has been removed, then the patch in which it was fixed will also be listed.

Player Class Control Glitches[]

Player Class Control Glitches are bugs that are related to the controls of specific playable characters and cannot be performed by any other character.

Shinobi Giant Shuriken Hop ("Shinobi Neon Jump")[]

Icon Quest NotificationConfirmed in Version 3.0.0 (All Systems). Patched in Version 3.1.0 (All Systems).

When Shinobi’s Giant Shuriken ability was first released in Version 3.0.0 (All Systems), there was an unintended behavior that allowed him to jump on the final frame of the throw animation as if he were jumping on the ground. With enough DP or with the Dragon Sphere activated, Shinobi would have been able to fly infinitely, reaching out-of-bounds areas or skipping large portions of levels entirely.

Performing this glitch requires a perfectly timed rhythm, pressing jump right on the final frame of the throw animation (right before Shinobi enters the freefall state).

As of Version 3.1.0 (All Systems), this glitch can no longer be performed.

Witch Condense & Level 3 Spells with Icon Weapon Focus (N)Foci[]

Icon Quest NotificationConfirmed in Version 3.0.0 (All Systems). Patched in Version 3.0.3 (All Systems).

Icon Weapon Focus (N)Foci were designed to limit the attack and utility power of some of Witch's spells to balance out the addition of other support spells, such as Cure Ailment and Regen. However, upon the release of Icon Weapon Focus (N)Foci in Version 3.0.0 (All Systems), Witch players were unintentionally able to cast the Condense spell and Level 3 Power-up spells, which were supposed to be restricted to Icon Weapon Tome (N)Tomes.

The related gallery shows the various unintended spell imbuements combining the Condense, Cure Ailment, Regen, Stat Up, and Power-up spells.

As of Version 3.0.3 (All Systems), this glitch can no longer be performed.

Support Condense Spell Comparisons
Heal Cure Regen
Condense Heal Comparison

Bandit Control Glitches[]

Icon Element ThunderThunder Bandit Bomb Hop ("Bandit Neon Jump")[]

Icon Quest NotificationConfirmed in Version 3.1.5 (All Systems), Version 3.0.4s.

Similar to Shinobi's Giant Shuriken hop, Icon Element ThunderThunder Bandit's Dragon Relic allows him to jump on the final frame of the bomb throw animation as if he were jumping on the ground. With 4 Dragon Relics and proper timing, Bandit can reach great heights. However, this is more difficult to perform than Shinobi's Giant Shuriken hop because the pulling of Dragon Relics is random and making a mistake will waste 1 Dragon Relic.

To perform this glitch, you need to follow a rhythm (which can be done by following the voice sound effects of Bandit). You need to press the jump button right on the final frame of the bomb throw animation (right before Bandit enters the freefall state).

You can reach the maximum potential of Bandit's jump reach by equipping Icon Weapon Small-sword (N)Murgleis +3 and 2 Icon Accessory All (N)Hastan Anklet +9's (resulting in +103% jump height for a total of 203% jump height) and using 4 Dragon Relics, 2 Wind Relics, 1 Fire Relic, and 1 Water Relic.

Icon Element PoisonPoison Bandit Lock-on Incorrect Weapon Stats[]

Icon Quest NotificationConfirmed in Version 3.0.0 (All Systems). Patched in Version 3.1.5 (All Systems).


Out-of-Bounds Glitches[]

Out-of-Bounds Glitches (AKA "OOB Glitches") are bugs that can be performed to move outside of the intended playable area (hence you are put "outside of the boundaries"). Normally, this results in reaching previously obscured areas that contain odd graphics or graphical cut-offs and hidden level geometry that were never meant to be seen.

Tarpol Mountains Out-of Bounds[]

Lost in White Mountain Barrier[]

Icon Quest NotificationConfirmed in Version 3.1.5 (All Systems).


Lost in White Named Monster Boss Room[]

Icon Quest NotificationConfirmed in Version 3.1.5n.


Muramasa Castle Out-of Bounds[]

Any Muramasa Castle Quest Main Boss Room[]

Icon Quest NotificationConfirmed in Version 3.1.5 (All Systems).

This glitch can be performed with Icon Weapon Small-sword (N)Small-sword Empress only.

Asura Goblin Behavior Exploit[]

Icon Quest NotificationConfirmed in Version 3.1.5 (All Systems).

This glitch can be performed with Icon Weapon Small-sword (N)Small-sword Empress only.

Uos Tower Elevator Skip[]

Icon Quest NotificationConfirmed in Version 3.0.0 (All Systems).


Online Connection Glitches[]

Online Connection Glitches are bugs that occur due to network errors and may indicate a blip in online connection. Not all of these bugs necessarily result in a Communication Error.

Boss Teleportation[]

Icon Quest NotificationConfirmed in any patch.


"Zombie Bosses"[]

Icon Quest NotificationConfirmed in any patch.


Miscellaneous Glitches[]

Miscellaneous Glitches are other bugs that do not fit into any of the above categories.

"Zombie Player"[]

Icon Quest NotificationConfirmed in Version 3.1.5n.

