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This page describes Empress's Elemental Contracts in Dragon Marked For Death.

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Differences Between Contracts per Ability[1][]

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Grounded Dragon Shot Contract Differences
Contract Initial DP Cost Trajectory Motion Value Formula Number of Shots
Icon Element FireFire 0.4 segments Straight PIE * 1.60 3
Icon Element WindWind 0.75 segments Curved up PIE * 4.25 2
Icon Element IceIce 0.50 segments Parabolic arc PIE * 1.50 5
Icon Element PoisonPoison 0.90 segments Straight PIE * 2.10 1 * 5 hits
Icon Element ThunderThunder 0.66 segments Diagonal up PIE * 2.00 (Ball) 1
PIE * 8.00 (Homing Beam)
Dragon Cannon Contract Differences
Contract Motion Value Formula Max. Duration at Full DP DP Consumption per Second Hits at Full DP Motion Value Formula at Full DP
Icon Element FireFire PIE * 4.50 2.72 sec. 3.68 segments 42 PIE * 189
Icon Element WindWind PIE * 5.67 2.30 sec. 4.35 segments 37 PIE * 210
Icon Element IceIce PIE * 7.00 2.08 sec. 4.81 segments 33 PIE * 231
Icon Element PoisonPoison PIE * 1.55 12.78 sec. 0.78 segments 200 PIE * 310
Icon Element ThunderThunder PIE * 1.50 (Ball) 2.08 sec. 4.81 segments 32 PIE * 176 (Ball)
PIE * 5.50 (Homing Beam) PIE * 224 (Homing Beam)
Small-sword Aerial Dragon Shot DP Consumption Differences (in Segments)
Contract Shot 1 Shot 2 Shot 3 Shot 4
Icon Element FireFire 0.4 1.2 2.4 4
Icon Element WindWind 0.75 1.5 3.75 4
Icon Element IceIce 0.5 1.5 3 4
Icon Element PoisonPoison 0.9 2 4
Icon Element ThunderThunder 0.66 2 3.34 4

Contract Summaries[]

Empress's playstyle does not change much based on the selected Contract because the only abilities that are affected are Dragon Shot and Dragon Cannon. For the most part, these abilities are best used in conjunction with her non-Dragon Skill abilities to inflict Status Ailments and deal extra damage.

Icon Element FireFire Contract[]

Icon Quest Notification"Strong against enemies to the front, normal power."

Icon Element FireFire Contract is Empress's default Contract. Both the Dragon Shot and the Dragon Cannon shoot 3 flames horizontally. It allows Empress to more easily inflict Icon Status Ailment BurnBurn regardless of her Weapons.

  • Although it is strong when shooting straight forward, it cannot attack upward without jumping.
  • It is recommended for Physical builds because Icon Status Ailment BurnBurn increases Physical damage by 1.5x.
  • The Dragon Shot has the least DP consumption, so it is easy to repeatedly perform Dragon Sword Neo.

Icon Element WindWind Contract[]

Icon Quest Notification"Strong against enemies overhead, high power."

Icon Element WindWind Contract is Empress's second available Contract, added in Version 2.0.0. Both the Dragon Shot and the Dragon Cannon shoot several tornadoes in an upward parabola that pierces terrain. It allows Empress to more easily inflict Icon Status Ailment ConfusionConfusion regardless of her Weapons.

  • Due to its close-range, upward trajectory, it can be used to "shotgun" enemies and hit enemies suspended in midair. It can also pierce terrain, so you can shoot enemies from a lower elevation.
  • Dragon Skills have high DP consumption.
  • Although it is strong against medium-sized and flying enemies, it may be difficult to hit small enemies crawling on the ground unless you are at a lower elevation than the target.

Icon Element IceIce Contract[]

Icon Quest Notification"Shots are short range but strong, can shoot in 2 directions."

Icon Element IceIce Contract is Empress's third available Contract, added in Version 2.1.0. The Dragon Shot shoots ice shrapnel in a "shotgun" motion and a slight downward parabola that can be shot forwards or upwards based on the input. The Dragon Cannon shoots a short-range, high-damage mist breath that can also be shot forwards or upwards. It allows Empress to more easily inflict Icon Status Ailment FrostbiteFrostbite regardless of her Weapons.

  • The range of the shot is short, so it is treated as a concentrated "shotgun".
  • When shot without directional input, the firing angle shoots straight ahead. When shot with the up directional input, the firing angle shoots directly above.
  • Although the range is short, the Dragon Cannon has the highest damage amongst all the Contracts.

Icon Element PoisonPoison Contract[]

Icon Quest Notification"High damage and DP use. Cannon trajectory can be changed."

Icon Element PoisonPoison Contract is Empress's fourth available Contract, added in Version 2.2.0. The Dragon Shot shoots a ball that explodes into mist after a short distance. The Dragon Cannon shoots a long-range poisonous mist with a trajectory that can be angled up to 45 degrees up or down based on the input. It allows Empress to more easily inflict Icon Status Ailment PoisonPoison regardless of her Weapons.

  • After traveling a certain distance or hitting an enemy, the Dragon Shot ball explodes into a stationary mist that continuously deals damage (up to 5 times).
  • Although the Dragon Cannon has low firepower, it can stay active for a long time.
    • By using directional inputs, it can be angled up to 45 degrees up or down for more precise aiming or spread.

Icon Element ThunderThunder Contract[]

Icon Quest Notification"Projectiles become homing. DP consumption greatly increased."

Icon Element ThunderThunder Contract is Empress's fifth available Contract, added in Version 2.3.0. Both the Dragon Shot and the Dragon Cannon shoot diagonally upward or upward with an electric ball and, after a short delay, a homing laser. It allows Empress to more easily inflict Icon Status Ailment ParalysisParalysis regardless of her Weapons.

  • The homing laser might not go to the desired enemy due to its automatic homing properties. Usually, the laser tracks the nearest enemy. The laser also penetrates terrain.
    • The homing distance is short, so it will not home on enemies if they are too far away. If there are no nearby enemies, the laser will instead have a random forward trajectory.
  • The Dragon Cannon always shoots upward.

