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The Dragon Marked For Death Original Soundtrack (ドラゴン・マークト・フォー・デス オリジナルサウンドトラック) (AKA "DragonMFD OST" or "DMFD OST") is the official soundtrack of Dragon Marked For Death, released on January 31, 2019, with the Dragon Marked For Death Limited Edition box, and released standalone on March 1, 2019. The album does not have an official release outside of Japan.[1]

The Dragon Marked For Death Original Soundtrack was the first Inti Creates soundtrack to be performed by live orchestras in studios around the world, including Boston, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Malaysia, L.A., Florida, Okinawa, and more.[2]

Standalone OST Information [1][]

Note: The standalone album is separate from the Limited Edition.

Listen closely and let the Dragonblood flow!

A collection of fully orchestrated music that colors the world of the dark fantasy.

A collection of soundtracks for Dragon Marked For Death for Nintendo Switch, released on January 31, 2019.

It includes the theme song "The Road Home (Faranaja)" (sung by Diana Garnet) and the PV song "Theme of Dragon Marked For Death" not included in the game. The collection contains 73 songs from the main game and the additional scenario "The Dragonblood Bandit", plus 4 bonus tracks for a total of 77 songs.

The full-color 16-page booklet includes a jacket by character designer Toru Nakayama, comments by Diana Garnet (who sang the theme song) and the songwriters (Ippo Yamada, Luna Umegaki, Ryo Kawakami, Aoi Takeda, Shota Nakama), and track notes for all songs.

List of Tracks[]

The following tables consist of the list of tracks in translated English and the original Japanese titles.

Because the OST track names have never been officially translated into English, certain tracks contain alternative English translations (indicated by the label of "Alt").

Disc A[]

Disc A contains tracks from The Dragonblood Village, The Central Kingdom of Medius, Quests, The Northern Federation of Pagnas, and The Southwestern Island Republic of Hasta.

Dragon Marked For Death OST - Tracklist A

Track List for Disc A.

Disc A Track List
Track # Title (English)[3] Title (Japanese) Length
1 Theme of Dragon Marked For Death Theme of Dragon Marked For Death 3:11
2 Dragonblood 龍血 2:09
3 Hellfire Memories
(Alt: Memories of Hellfire)
業火の記憶 1:31
4 Calling of the Dark Blood 暗き血の呼び声 1:20
5 Ancient Dragon's Power
(Alt: The Astral Dragon's Power)
古龍の力 1:34
6 The Buried Village 葬られし郷(さと) 0:31
7 Setting Off 旅立ち 2:39
8 Powerless 力及ばず 0:07
9 Goal Achieved
(Alt: Moment of Achievement)
達成の瞬間(とき) 0:07
10 The Reward You Seek 求める対価 1:40
11 The Town of Freedom and Tumult
(Alt: The City of Freedom and Bustle)
自由と喧騒の街 2:23
12 The Room Where Lights Pour In
(Alt: The Light-flooded Room)
光差し込む部屋 2:01
13 Getting Everything Ready
(Alt: Every Possible Preparation)
万全の支度 1:19
14 An Excellent Masterpiece
(Alt: A Supreme Gem)
至高の逸品 1:23
15 To Protect One's Self その身を守るため 2:06
16 Renewing the Gear
(Alt: In a New Guise)
装い新たに 2:06
17 Dark Deals
(Alt: Dealing in the Dark)
闇中の取引 1:12
18 Cups Meeting
(Alt: A Cup to Meet)
巡り合う盃 2:57
19 Solemn Lands
(Alt: Land of Majesty)
威厳の地 2:01
20 Disaster Hill 災下の丘 0:24
21 The Cursed Old Castle 呪われし古城 0:27
22 Feet of Glory
(Alt: At the Foot of Prosperity)
栄華の足元 0:25
23 Correcting Rebellion
(Alt: Road of Retaliation)
復仇の道征き 3:22
24 Opposing Enemities
(Alt: Relative Hostility)
相対する敵意 2:03
25 Alarm Bell
(Alt: The Warning Bell)
警鐘 1:09
26 Shivering and Confrontation
(Alt: Fear and Confrontation)
戦慄(わなな)きと対立 1:40
27 The Severe Lands
(Alt: The Strictly-forbidden Lands)
峻厳の地 1:06
28 The Harsh Snow-capped Mountains
(Alt: The Steep Silver Mountain Ridge)
嶮(けわ)しき銀嶺 0:24
29 Crimson Breath 紅蓮の息吹 0:25
30 Steel Ideals
(Alt: Steel Philosophy)
鋼の理念 3:04
31 A Fierce Battle
(Alt: A Bitter Struggle)
激しき闘争 2:00
32 Tensing Body Armor
(Alt: Bracing Body Armor)
引き締まる鎧甲(がいこう) 1:15
33 The Power to Shatter Iron
(Alt: The Power to Crush Iron)
鉄をも砕く力 2:03
34 Land of Coexistence 共棲の地 1:03
35 Swung by the Harsh Seas
(Alt: Rocked by the Rough Seas)
荒海(あらうみ)に揺られて 0:26
36 The Evil Dragon's Quickening 魔龍の胎動 0:18
37 Grey Jungles
(Alt: Jungle of Primary Colors)
原色の密林 0:20
38 To the Depths of Unexplored Lands
(Alt: Into the Unexplored Depths)
未踏の奥地へ 3:05
39 Assaulting Fangs
(Alt: Attacking Fangs)
襲いかかる牙 1:53
40 Shrouding Beastly Will
(Alt: Shroud of the Beastly Spirits)
立ち籠める獣気 1:01
41 Torrent of Wilderness
(Alt: Wild Torrent)
野性の奔流 1:57

Disc B[]

Disc B contains tracks from The Magic Kingdom of Litus, The Eastern Island Nation of Marlayus, Astral Dragon Atruum, Vasith, Celestial Primatis, Amica, Rivalis, and variants of "The Road Home (Faranaja)".

Dragon Marked For Death OST - Tracklist B

Track List for Disc B.

Disc B Track List
Track # Title (English)[3] Title (Japanese) Length
1 Desertic Lands
(Alt: Deserted Lands)
荒漠の地 0:40
2 Quicksand Royal Grabe
(Alt: The Royal Tomb of Quicksand)
流砂の王墓 0:29
3 Giant Tower Soaring to the Skies
(Alt: The Tower Rising to the Heavens)
天に聳える巨塔 0:21
4 Unknown Ruins 未知なる遺構 2:51
5 Interlopers
(Alt: Obstacles)
阻みし者 1:54
6 Arising Fear 湧き上がる畏れ 1:09
7 Power Beyond Human Wisdom 人智を超えた力 1:46
8 The Lands of Military Rule 覇道の地 1:19
9 Downpouring Castle Building
(Alt: The Castle in Heavy Rain)
甚雨(じんう)の城閣 0:23
10 Reaching the World of the Dead
(Alt: Attaining Salvation)
常世に至る 0:22
11 Getting Ahead of the Calamity 凶事に先んじて 2:54
12 Wicked Beasts Melee
(Alt: Wicked Bestial Warfare)
妖獣乱戦 1:35
13 Vulnerable Existence
(Alt: A Matter of Life and Death)
危急存亡 0:52
14 Piercing Through the Hard Rocks
(Alt: A Hard-to-pierce Rock)
穿たれ難き磐(いわ) 2:07
15 Mourning 哀悼 1:37
16 The Shrine Maiden's Thoughts
(Alt: The Oracle's Thoughts, The Miko's Thoughts)
巫女の想念 2:01
17 Vessel of the Fighting Soul
(Alt: Competitive Soul Vessel)
争魂の器 1:44
18 Merciless Moon 無慈悲なる月 1:13
19 Roar from the Ancient Times 古より哮り響く 0:23
20 Altar of Souls
(Alt: Soul Festival)
魂の祭壇 0:45
21 The Reincarnation of Vengeful Flames 讐炎(しゅうえん)の依り代 2:05
22 The Dragon that Devours the Universe 万物を喰らう龍 2:10
23 Land of Hatred 憎しみの大地 1:55
24 Lone Dragon 孤龍 1:39
25 The Road Home (Faranaja) -Light (Rig)- 家路(ファラナジャ) -灯(リグ)- 0:35
26 Two Lights ふたつの灯 1:12
27 At the End of the Escape -Towards the Desired Tomorrow- 逃走の果て -望まれ生きる明日へと- 3:41
28 The Road Home (Faranaja) 家路(ファラナジャ) 4:13
Track # Extra Scenario "The Dragonblood Bandit" 追加シナリオ「龍血の盗賊編」 Length
29 Aloof Thieves 孤高の盗賊 1:10
30 Robber 奪う者 2:30
31 Boiling Hatred 滾る憎悪 0:58
32 Crazy Blood 荒れ狂う血潮 1:53
Track # Bonus Tracks ボーナストラック Length
33 The Road Home (Faranaja) -Black (Atoll)- 家路(ファラナジャ) -黒(アトル)- 1:36
34 The Road Home (Faranaja) -White (Bell)- 家路(ファラナジャ) -白(ベル)- 1:36
35 The Road Home (Faranaja) -PV Version- 家路(ファラナジャ) -PV Version- 1:57
36 The Road Home (Faranaja) -Karaoke Version- 家路(ファラナジャ) -Karaoke Version- 4:09

Track Comments[]

The following tables consist of the Track Comments included on the disc box in translated English and the original Japanese comments.

Disc A Track Comments[]

Disc A Track Comments
Track # Title (English)[3] Comment (English) Comment (Japanese)
1 Theme of Dragon Marked For Death The orchestral version of "Faranaja" recorded for promotional purposes. Amica's "Faranaja" is a folk song that has been passed down through the generations of the Dragonblood Clan, and its motifs are used in various places all throughout, making it a powerful soundtrack that is truly unique to this work. This song is not used in the game. プロモーション用にレコーディングされた「ファラナジャ」のオーケストラバージョン、アミカの「ファラナジャ」は血の一族に伝わる民謡でありながら、本作の合所にそのモチーフが使われており、そとい化した迫力ある音源はまさしく本作のえる。 ゲーム未使用曲。
2 Dragonblood
3 Hellfire Memories
(Alt: Memories of Hellfire)
The opening scene in which the Dragonblood Clan is destroyed by the Divine Knights of Medius led by Vasith and the Oracle of the clan, Amica, is kidnapped. The motifs of "Faranaja" are woven into this scene. The music was dramatically composed to match the performance. One of my favorite songs. 血の一族のがパシス率いるメディウス聖騎士団によって滅ぼされ、一族の巫女アミカがさらわれるオープニングシーン。 「ファラナジャ」のモチーフが織り込まれている。演出に合わせてドラマティックに構成された。こだわりの一曲。
4 Calling of the Dark Blood
5 Ancient Dragon's Power
(Alt: The Astral Dragon's Power)
6 The Buried Village
7 Setting Off
8 Powerless
9 Goal Achieved
(Alt: Moment of Achievement)
10 The Reward You Seek
11 The Town of Freedom and Tumult
(Alt: The City of Freedom and Bustle)
12 The Room Where Lights Pour In
(Alt: The Light-flooded Room)
13 Getting Everything Ready
(Alt: Every Possible Preparation)
A song about the lively General Store in the Slums. It is created in the image of a cluttered place with a variety of things. The shop sells medicines, food, accessories, and equipment for use on the road. To strengthen one's defense, accessories and equipment are used. Good preparation is necessary for a good journey. 下町の活気あふれる道具屋の曲。 様々なものが雑 然とあるようなイメージで作られている。 道具屋で取 り扱うのは、 旅で使う薬や食糧、アクセサリー、 装備品 の類。防御を固めるには、アクセサリー、装備品を用い ることになる。 良い旅をするためには、良い準備が必 要である。
14 An Excellent Masterpiece
(Alt: A Supreme Gem)
A song about the General Store in the Upper City. The shop sells rare medicines and accessories that are not available in the Slums area. To represent the upper class, the song is an arrangement of the same toolmaker's song with an elegant string quartet. 中流階層にある道具屋の曲。 下町では流通しない珍 しい薬やアクセサリーなども取り扱っている。 上位の階 層を表すため、 優雅なイメージのストリングスカルテッ トで、同じ道具屋の曲をアレンジしたものとなっている。
15 To Protect One's Self A song about the Weapon Shop run by a craftsman-like owner. It deals only with basic weapons. The original composition had a rough image of a blacksmith shop, but it has been rearranged into a small chamber music arrangement to match the common direction of the facility's music. 職人気質な店主が営む武器屋の曲。 基本的な武器 のみを取り扱っている。 当初は鍛冶屋のような荒くれ たイメージの楽曲だったが、施設曲共通の方向性に合 わせ 小編成の室内楽的なアレンジに生まれ変わって いる。
16 Renewing the Gear
(Alt: In a New Guise)
A song about the Weapons Shop in the Upper City. It also carries high quality weapons that can only be obtained in the Upper City. More powerful weapons and weapons with attributes can only be obtained through adventures. Like the music in the General Store, it is arranged by a string quartet. This piece was reworked from the beginning when (the game's) development was restarted. 中流階層にある武器屋の曲。 中流階層でしか入手 できない品質の高い武器も取り扱っている。 さらに強 力な武器や属性の付いた武器は、冒険で入手するし かないのだが・・・。 道具屋の曲と同じく、ストリングスカ ルテットでアレンジしている。この曲は開発再始動の 際に調性から作り直している。
17 Dark Deals
(Alt: Dealing in the Dark)
A song about the Black Market, which is even lower than the Slums of the city. In this worldview, the image is mysterious, incomprehensible, and unknown. It was originally planned to be a place for users to exchange items via the Internet, but (the concept) was postponed when (the game's) development was restarted. The music is (currently) not used in the game, but what will happen in the future? 民街よりさらに最下層にある闇市場の曲。この世界観のにおいては怪しく、理解しがたい未知のイメー ジ。当初のにはあったものの、開発再始動の際に見 送られたインターネットを使ったユーザー同士のアイテム交換場。ゲーム未 用曲だが、今後どうなるか?
18 Cups Meeting
(Alt: A Cup to Meet)
A song for the Bar, where people gather to get information about work from underneath the candles and to recruit others to go on quests. The song was originally composed as a Celtic-oriented song, but it was rewritten when development was restarted. Originally, a trumpet lead was used, but it was decided that it sounded too much like the wilderness, so it was rewritten. 人々が集まる酒場の曲。 キャンドから仕事の情報を得たり、共にクエストに向から仲間を募ったりする所 以前作られた曲があまりにケルト寄りの楽曲だっただ め、開発再始動の際に新規作り直しとなった。 当初、 ト ランペットがリードをとっていたが、 荒野のイメージに 聴こえるということで今の形に落ち着いている。
19 Solemn Lands
(Alt: Land of Majesty)
20 Disaster Hill
21 The Cursed Old Castle
22 Feet of Glory
(Alt: At the Foot of Prosperity)
23 Correcting Rebellion
(Alt: Road of Retaliation)
24 Opposing Enemities
(Alt: Relative Hostility)
25 Alarm Bell
(Alt: The Warning Bell)
26 Shivering and Confrontation
(Alt: Fear and Confrontation)
27 The Severe Lands
(Alt: The Strictly-forbidden Lands)
28 The Harsh Snow-capped Mountains
(Alt: The Steep Silver Mountain Ridge)
29 Crimson Breath
30 Steel Ideals
(Alt: Steel Philosophy)
31 A Fierce Battle
(Alt: A Bitter Struggle)
32 Tensing Body Armor
(Alt: Bracing Body Armor)
33 The Power to Shatter Iron
(Alt: The Power to Crush Iron)
34 Land of Coexistence
35 Swung by the Harsh Seas
(Alt: Rocked by the Rough Seas)
36 The Evil Dragon's Quickening
37 Grey Jungles
(Alt: Jungle of Primary Colors)
38 To the Depths of Unexplored Lands
(Alt: Into the Unexplored Depths)
39 Assaulting Fangs
(Alt: Attacking Fangs)
40 Shrouding Beastly Will
(Alt: Shroud of the Beastly Spirits)
41 Torrent of Wilderness
(Alt: Wild Torrent)

Disc B Track Comments[]

Disc B Track Comments
Track # Title (English)[3] Comment (English) Comment (Japanese)
1 Desertic Lands
(Alt: Deserted Lands)
Placeholder. Placeholder.
2 Quicksand Royal Grabe
(Alt: The Royal Tomb of Quicksand)
3 Giant Tower Soaring to the Skies
(Alt: The Tower Rising to the Heavens)
4 Unknown Ruins
5 Interlopers
(Alt: Obstacles)
6 Arising Fear
7 Power Beyond Human Wisdom
8 The Lands of Military Rule
9 Downpouring Castle Building
(Alt: The Castle in Heavy Rain)
Muramasa Castle theme jingle. A city among the several cultural spheres of Marlayus declares its independence, taking the princess of the Divine Family as hostage. The protagonist is on their way to rescue the princess. The free tempo of the song caused some controversy during the recording. The solid tone of the melody stirs up the image of a castle. 村正城のテーマジングル。 マーレウスに複数ある文 化圏のうちある都が、 聖王家の姫を人質に独立を宣言。 主人公は姫の救出に向かう事となる。 フリーテンポの曲 だったため、収録では若干の物議を醸し出した。 どっしり した曲調が、 城閣のイメージを掻き立てる。
10 Reaching the World of the Dead
(Alt: Attaining Salvation)
11 Getting Ahead of the Calamity
12 Wicked Beasts Melee
(Alt: Wicked Bestial Warfare)
13 Vulnerable Existence
(Alt: A Matter of Life and Death)
14 Piercing Through the Hard Rocks
(Alt: A Hard-to-pierce Rock)
15 Mourning
16 The Shrine Maiden's Thoughts
(Alt: The Oracle's Thoughts, The Miko's Thoughts)
17 Vessel of the Fighting Soul
(Alt: Competitive Soul Vessel)
18 Merciless Moon
19 Roar from the Ancient Times
20 Altar of Souls
(Alt: Soul Festival)
21 The Reincarnation of Vengeful Flames
22 The Dragon that Devours the Universe
23 Land of Hatred
24 Lone Dragon
25 The Road Home (Faranaja) -Light (Rig)-
26 Two Lights The protagonist regains themself through Amica's singing voice. They finally meet Amica, whom they had been searching for since they became deformed by the dragon's power. At that moment, their goal is finally achieved. The simple melody, which avoids exaggeration, expresses the joy and feelings for each other that can be felt without words. アミカの歌声によって自らを取り戻す主人公。 龍の力 で異形となってまで探し求めたアミカとついに相見え る。目的が達成されたその瞬間。 その語らずとも伝わる お互いを思う気持ちと喜びを、 誇張を避けたシンプル なメロディで表現している。
27 At the End of the Escape -Towards the Desired Tomorrow- The protagonist and Amica flee to the Dragonblood Village for the time being, but Medius's pursuers are close at hand... It was the people they had met on their journey that saved them. They now set out for a new land of hope, hoping for a future free from persecution. The game (scenario) dramatically evolves from a tense beginning to a magnificent and hopeful end, in line with the direction of the production. 一先ず、 龍血の郷まで逃げる主人公たちとアミカ かし、メディウスの追っ手はすぐそこまで・・・。 それを救っ てくれたのは、今までの旅で出会った人々であった。 迫 害のない未来を願って、 新しい希望の土地へと今旅立 一つ。 演出に合わせ、緊迫感のある序盤から、雄大で希望 に満ちた終盤へと劇的に展開させている。
28 The Road Home (Faranaja) The theme song of the game (scenario), which is played in the end (credits) roll. From the beginning, it was composed as a song for the two animated movies, with the first half and the second half having two different aspects. Originally, the song was intended to be operatic with Italian lyrics and was negotiated with a certain classical singer, but when development was restarted, it was rearranged to be a more pop song in dragon language sung by Amica. An introduction was added for promotional purposes, and a new guitar arrangement of the interlude was added for the end roll. エンドロールに流れる、本作のテーマソング。 当初よ り二編あるイメージムービーの曲として、 前半と後半で 二つの側面を持つ曲として構成された。 元々、 イタリア 語歌詞によるオペラ調のものを想定し、某クラシック歌 手に歌唱を交渉調整していたが、 開発再始動するにあ たり、アミカが歌うドラゴン語の曲として、 よりポップに 編曲し直された。 プロモーション向けにイントロが加え られ、エンドロール向けに間奏のギターアレンジも新た に追加されている。
Track # Extra Scenario "The Dragonblood Bandit" Comment (English) Comment (Japanese)
29 Aloof Thieves Theme of Rivalis, the dragon-backed bandit. Rivalis is Latin for "rival". As he has half of the blood of the Dragonblood Clan in his veins, he has turned himself into a bandit in search of a way to heal his Dragon Scars. Because he has half of the blood of the Dragonblood Clan, the flute is used for the main melody, as in "The Buried Village" and "Setting Off". 龍背の盗賊リバリスのテーマ。 Rivalisとはラテン語 で好敵手。 龍血の一族の血を半分受け継ぐ身の上のた め、龍痕を治す術を求め盗賊に身をやつす。 龍血の一族 その血が入っているということで、 「葬られし郷」 「旅立ち」 と同じく、メインのメロディにはフルートを使用。
30 Robber A battle song with Rivalis. He randomly intrudes in certain quests, and he shows strong hatred towards the protagonist, a member of the Dragonblood Clan. The song is about a battle against bandits, so the emphasis is on speed, but at the same time, the melody also incorporates a sense of lone wolf solitude and shadow. リバリスとのバトル曲。 特定のクエストにてランダム で乱入しては、 龍血の一族である主人公に強い憎悪を 向けてくる。 盗賊との戦いということで、スピード感を重 視した曲調であると同時に、 メロディには一匹狼的な孤 独感、影のようなものも織り込んでいる。
31 Boiling Hatred Rivalis explodes in a resentful rage against the Dragonblood Clan and attacks the protagonist. His body is consumed by the power of the Astral Dragon, runs amok, and transforms into a deformed form. The theme of the song is used to express the loss of control and the inability to maintain one's self. リバリスは龍血の一族への逆恨みを爆発させ、 PCへ 襲いかかる。 その身体は古龍の力に飲まれ、 暴走し、 異 形のものへと姿を変えていく。あえてテーマを使用せ ず新しいフレーズを入れ、 制御が効かなくなって自己を 保てなくなっていく様を表現。
32 Crazy Blood The final battle with Rivalis. In the midst of the crisis, Rivalis's deepest move was to use the power of his magic relics to activate his pseudo-Dragon Skills by causing the Dragon Scar to go out of control. However, this would place a heavy burden on his body. While using the theme of Rivalis as a motif, it was difficult to create a more insane arrangement, and this song was the result of many retakes. リバリスとの最終バトル曲。 危機に陥ったリバリスの 奥の手は、 魔法具の力で龍痕を暴走させ、擬似のドラゴ ンスキルを発動させることであった。 だが、 その身体に は大きな負担がかかることとなる。 リバリスのテーマを モチーフにしつつ、より狂気を主体にアレンジをするの には難航し、幾度ものリテイクが重ねられた末の一曲で ある。
Track # Bonus Tracks Comment (English) Comment (Japanese)
33 The Road Home (Faranaja) -Black (Atoll)- Placeholder. Placeholder.
34 The Road Home (Faranaja) -White (Bell)-
35 The Road Home (Faranaja) -PV Version-
36 The Road Home (Faranaja) -Karaoke Version-


The following table presents the full credits listed on the OST's box.

Recording Credits[]

Overall Recording
Role Member(s)
Executive Producer / Supervisor Ippo Yamada
Music Director Ippo Yamada
Ryo Kawakami
Music Production Soundtrec
Producer / Recording Director Shota Nakama
Production Assistant Emily Shibata
Elmer Ho
Maho Azuma
Mastering Engineer Ryo Kawakami
Mixing Engineer Falk Au Yeong
Assistant Engineer Matthew Peiffer
Tokyo, Japan Recording
Role Member(s)
Recording Studio Studio All Blue
Recording Engineer Yasutaka Sato
Vocal Diana Garnet
Mixing Engineer Uzzy
Boston, USA Recording
Role Member(s)
Recording Studio (Boston) WGBH Fraser Performance Studio
Recording Engineer Joel Watts
Assistant Recording Engineers Matthew Peiffer
Robin Moore
Production Assistants Maho Azuma
Devin Kinoshita
Michael Bain
Musician Coordinators Anna Stromrick Copeland
Studio Manager Terry Quinn
Flute / Piccolo Burak Besir
Oboe / English Horn / Clarinet Kristin Naigus
Solo Violin Matheus Souza
Acoustic Guitar Shota Nakama
Electric Guitar Masato Itoh
Electric Bass Louis A. Ochoa
Piano Devin Kinoshita
Conductor Shota Nakama
Flute Maho Azuma
Oboe Daniel Calahorra
Clarinet Dustin Chung
Horn Megan Riccio
Adam Krings
Trumpet Steve Johnson
Lou Anderson
Trombone Rick Copeland
Levi Schmitt
Concert Master Sonia Deng
Violin I Onur Dielsen
Carlo Mauricio
Ryo Usami
Caxton Jones
Antoine Beux
Violin II Kenneth Mok
Haley Leach
Kristina Sharra
Alina Psaros
Viola Evan Perry
Anna Stromer
Lu Yu
Cello Ben Swartz
Cristobal Cruz
Mason Lieberman
Double Bass Luis Celis
Prague, Czech Republic Recording
Role Member(s)
Recording Studio Smecky Music Studios
Recording Engineer Jan Holzner
Assistant Recording Engineer Michael Hradisky
Vitek Kral
Librarian Tomas Kirschner
Orchestra Contractor / Recording Manager Petr Pycha (Musa. LTD.)
Conductor Adam Klemens
Orchestra Filmharmonic Orchestra, Prague
Bratislava, Slovakia Recording
Role Member(s)
Recording Studio Slovak Radio Studio 2
Recording Engineer Martin Roller
Conductor David Hernando Rico
Orchestra Bratislavia Symphony Orchestra
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Recording
Role Member(s)
Recording Director Falk Au Yeong
Production Assistant Elmer Ho
Recording Studio Fuse Adventures in Audio
Recording Engineer Jony
Studio Manager Aqmal Hadi Shapee
Erhu Bryan Ngooi
Okinawa, Japan Recording
Role Member(s)
Recording Studio Studio G
Recording Engineer Moriyuki Minami
Drums Shunsuke Uehara

Production Credits[]

Production Credits
Role Member(s) Track # (A) Track # (B)
Composition Ippo Yamada 1, 3, 8, 9, 11, 17, 19-21, 23-26 16, 22, 25, 28, 33-36
Luna Umegaki 6, 7, 27-33 1-15, 18, 21, 22, 24, 31, 32
Ryo Kawakami 3, 4, 10, 34-41 26, 27
Aoi Takeda 5, 12, 18 23, 29, 30, 32
Hiroki Isogai 2, 4, 13-16, 22 17, 19, 20
Ryo Yoshinaga 16 16
Arrangement III (Ippo Yamada, Ryo Kawakami, Aoi Takeda, Hiroki Isogai, Ryo Yoshinaga, Hiroyuki Sato, Luna Umegaki) All music All music
Takuya (Ino Head Park) 1 28, 33-36
Orchestration / Lead Arrangement Shota Nakama All except 8, 9 All except 25, 28, 33-36
Additional Arrangements Falk Au Yeong
Additional Orchestration Gonzalo Diaz Yerro
Simeon Edward

Video Transcriptions[]

This section contains transcriptions of the videos related to the DMFD OST with naming corrections and typo fixes.

Music Composers Interview[]

Luna Umegaki (Sound Composer): "In the boss and stage themes, we incorporated the atmosphere of the various countries into the songs—into the cutscene music, too. We would use different instruments, and eventually scale the main melody to produce a different feeling. Overall, the game's music has a consistent feel, but when you go here you get one impression, and there you get another impression. I think every location gives off a completely different vibe."

Ryo Kawakami (Sound Composer): "I took great care in crafting all the game's tracks, which includes everything from boss and stage themes to the opening and ending. The opening is an introduction to the game's sad and serious tone, so we wanted the music to match that with a dramatic yet dark piece. The opening has a cinematic dynamism—we wanted to match the scene's timing, and we strove to line it up completely with the accompanying music. So, we adjusted the song, down to the tenth of a second. Also, the ending is a very dramatic piece, so I think it will be worth getting there."

Ippo Yamada (Sound Producer / Composer): "As this is Inti's first title with a full orchestra, I was mainly in charge of coordinating and joint producing the orchestra recordings. This game has actually been in the making for 10 years already. The game design has changed, the platform has changed, and in that time many different people have been involved. People from Boston, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Malaysia, L.A., Florida, Okinawa... We've had musicians from all over the world contribute already, and it's been a great challenge for Inti. I think this game is a culmination of many things for us. I hope all Inti fans, as well as everyone else, will enjoy listening to our work."

Building The World of Dragon Marked for Death Through Music[]

The songs in Dragon Marked For Death are based around the cultures of the 5 continents in the game, each created using a range of different melodies.

  • The music for Marlayus uses Pentatonic scale to create a Far Eastern atmosphere that leaves a bright, baroque impression.
    • Footage was filmed in Petaling Jaya, Malaysia.
  • The music for Hasta has a strong focus on percussion with a primeval vibe that invokes intense feelings of improvisation.
    • Footage was filmed in Petaling Jaya, Malaysia.
  • The music for Pagnas uses Classical music as a base, with the key features being the use of Dorian scale for the melody and an industrial style rhythm led by brass instruments. This creates a very powerful sound.
    • Footage was filmed in Bratislava, Slovak Republic.
  • The music for Litus has the flute section creating the lead melody. Because of this, it has a traditional Middle Eastern rhythm and scale, with an air of mysteriousness that brings it all together.
    • Footage was filmed in Prague, Czech Republic.
  • The music for Medius, the main, central area of the continent, was created using stringed instruments as the main component with a very orthodox Classical sound to it.
    • Footage was filmed in Boston, USA.


