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Icon Quest FlagCalamity's Portent is a Quest in Dragon Marked For Death containing one of the eight Flags required to reach the end of the game, and is a prerequisite to the optional They Come from Hell Quest.

Icon Quest NotificationQuest Information[]

Quest Details[]

Quest Details
Prerequisite Location Success Conditions Goal
Clear the Quest The Castle Burns Asura Gate Defeat the boss. Exterminate the monsters trying to break the seal on Asura Gate.
Eliminating the Asura beasts from the gates should weaken the larger enemies.


Enter and seal all 8 gates. You will hear a girl's voice.

Time Limit[]

The time limit for the Lvl 15 version of the quest is 40 minutes, and Lvl 25 is 30 minutes. Every subsequent difficulty has a time limit of 20 minutes.


Asura Goblin

Drop List[]

Boss Chest Drop List[]

The following Weapons, Accessories, and Items drop from the Boss chests of this Quest.

Each of the following tables are separated by Rarity (SR, R++, R+, R, and N) and Equipment Type (Small-swords, Swords, Axes, Greatswords, Kunai, Shuriken, Tomes, Foci, Accessories, and Items).

Quest Level 10 Boss Chest Drop List
Type Rare++ Rare+ Rare Normal
Accessory Icon Accessory All (R++)Teardrop Earrings
Items Icon Item (N)Dragonite